Giving made easy
We are excited to offer you easy and convenient ways to support Hopelands

Donate via PayPal
Click here to DONATE VIA PAYPAL and you will be guided through the process to donate using the PayPal payment gateway.

Hopelands banking details
Account: Hopelands Village
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Horison Branch Code: 250409
Account Number: 62730086700
Swift Code (for international transactions): FIRNZAJJ
Help make our dream a reality
The gift of giving can take on many forms, be it time, money or a simple gesture such as a word of encouragement. Each act of selflessness can go a long way to having a big impact on the lives of people around you.
We understand that not everyone is in the position to lend a hand or sow a seed, and we appreciate every gift that is given into the Hopelands dream.
Hopelands Village is a Registered Non-Profit Organisation with the Department of Social Development (NPO:220-908). We are also a registered non-profit company (Reg No.: 2014/168516/08) and PBO 930055134 with Section 18A approval with the following approval:
- The public benefit organisation has been approved for purposes of Section 18A(1)(a) of the Act and donations to the organisation will be tax deductible in the hands of the donors in terms of and subject to the limitations prescribed in Section 18A of the Act from 2 May 2017.
- Donations made to or by the PBO are exempt from Donations Tax in terms of Section 56(1)(h) of the lncome Tax Act.
- Exemption from the payment of Estate Duty in terms of Section 4(h) of the Estate Duty Act 45 of 1955.
- Exemption from payment of the Skills Development Levy (SDL) in terms of Section 4(c) of the Skills Development Levies Act 9 of 1999.